Participating in our broader community is important to us. RAMHOA and many of its members are involved with a number of organisations such as the Tennis Club, the Kowie Museum, and the East Beach Security initiative, as well as the following local non-profit organizations. We encourage all residents to please actively support these worthwhile community initiatives.
The National Sea Rescue Institute (NSRI) is the charity organisation that saves lives on South African waters – both coastal and inland. Their goal is to prevent drowning through rescue operations, education and prevention initiatives.
- Emergency number: 082 990 5971
- Address: Sports Road, Port Alfred
- Facebook: SeaRescue
- Website:
The Grahamstown and Sunshine Coast Hospice is a local non-profit organization. It provides free home-based hospice and palliative care to all those with life-threatening and life-limiting illnesses in Grahamstown, Port Alfred and surrounding towns.
- Phone: 046 622 9661
- Email:
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - Address: 15 Milner Street, Grahamstown
- Facebook: SunshineCoastHospice
The Rotary Club of Port Alfred is a NPO, associated with Rotary International. Members provide humanitarian services to advance goodwill and peace in our broader community.
Meetings are held at the Royal Alfred Marina clubhouse. The local district recently ran the first "virtual" RYLA summit (Rotary Youth Leadership Awards) from here, with over 40 clubs and 200 youth participating.
- Email:
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - Facebook: RotaryPortAlfred
- Website: Rotary Disctrict 9370 Port Alfred
The Port Alfred & Ndlambe District SPCA is another local non-profit organization, which receives no government financial aid. All funds required for the SPCA's work to combat cruelty and educate the public come directly from members of the public.
- Office Phone: 081 285 56657
- Emergencies: 082 676 8605
- Email:
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - Address: 3510 Dickerson Drive, Station Hill
- Facebook: Port-Alfred-Ndlambe-District-SPCA